2014 m. gruodžio 14 d., sekmadienis

I think of my words. Weightless ones: as feathers and easy to carry anywhere. I think of my words: compact ones and those that fit everywhere. I am sure that nobody else do think of those words. It is even better like that. All these people- let them be like that. All these people that do these things- let them do that. Let them. It is better like that.

2014 m. gruodžio 5 d., penktadienis

So you did so. Without even thinking a lot about it. You did so. I do not blame you, but I would never have done like this. Way too much negativeness to expect from such a creature. And so you did so... Without even thinking about it. And I sit right here, speechless, just breathless. And so you did so... How could you do that?